
Funder - Viborg

50 km


HÆRVEJSLØBET – The Viking Gran Fondo is an unforgettable ride back through history, and on our 50 kilometer route from Funder to Viborg everyone can take part.

The route follows the natural ridge that was formed through Jutland during the last ice age. Here, an ancient road – Hærvejen – has, over the centuries, helped migrants, pilgrims, merchants and Vikings stay dry as they made their way up through Denmark.

The route passes through the beautiful landscape of the Hærvejen ancient road with rolling cornfields, beech forests, hills, lakes and idyllic villages.

The route also offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy the ride. Along the way, you roll through one of our feed stations, famous not only for their great food but also for their even better atmosphere.

Starting address: Funder Hallen, Skolevej 3, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

Route profile and highlights Explore the route

Route highlights

0 km: The start in Funder

Here we go! You're off on the 50 kilometer route along the Ancient Road, Hærvejen. Enjoy a bread roll and a coffee in the starting area before setting out on an amazing cycling experience.

22 km: 1st feed station

Yes! You are almost halfway, and now one of the famous feed stations is ready to welcome you. The climbs in Dollerup await so remember to enjoy the delicious feed station at Vattrupgaard.

35 km: 1st KOM - Alpe d'Dollerup

The last serious challenge is Dollerup Bakker south of Viborg. Although by now you are probably starting to run low on energy, this climb rises up over 1,300 meters at 3.8% on average. The landscape is dramatic - created during the last ice age.

50 km: Finish in Viborg

Congratulations - you made it! Soak up the atmosphere as your ride the red carpet through the old city center ultimately finishing in the race village for a big celebration.

50 km: Celebrations in the race village

Now it's time to unclip and celebrate your achievement. This is where participants from all routes finish and meet. You can enjoy a well deserved meal and a cold drink while taking it all in.